Aaron Worsham

RailsConf 2010 Job Board

In Uncategorized on June 13, 2010 at 7:13 pm

Every year the acolytes of Ruby on Rails collect in a single location to swap spellbooks and exchange favorite potion recipes on how best to use RoR to create web applications.  Its a great time to reconnect with community members and friends.  It is also the best place in the world to look for Rails developers for your team.  As with many conferences, RailsConf has a real simple solution to match up looking-to-hires with looking-to-quit-current-jobs; a wall of paper they call a Job Board.  It works really well for anyone who made it into the conference.  But what about the Rails Community as a whole, shouldn’t they be included in the match-making fun?

I think so, so I took pictures [here] and transcribed to listings in this inaugural Business of Ruby (BoR) blog post. You can see the full spreadsheet here


Company Contact Name Contact Email Locations


Factory Labs Jay Zeschin jay.zeschin@factorylabs.com


Assistly Brad Birnbaum brad@assistly.com SF & NY


Crowdint Edwin Cruz edwin.cruz@crowdint.com


One Hub W.Andrew Loe loe@onehub.com


Where.com Jason Haruska j@where.com


Amex Publishing Shailen Minstry shailen.s.minstry@aexp.com


Amex Publishing Chris Stuss christopher.p.stuss@aexp.com NY


MadCloth.com Jon Dean j.dean@madcloth.com


Aptana Studios


Sphere Consulting lginsburg@sphereinc.com


railsjedi@gmail.com Seattle


Sonian Matthew Williams matthew.williams@sonian.new


LMN Solutions


mharper@mharper.net Bend, OR


Daily Burn dailyburn.com/jobs


Digx Rick Martinez rick.martinex@gmail.com NY


Mitre mitre.com/jobs Boston, DC, Tampa


White Glove ywen@whiteglove.com?


303.995.7864 Denver


InfoBlox kmazbondi@infoblox.com San Antonio


Domain 7 jody@domain7.com Vancouver, BC


MetroStar David Keener dkeener@metrostarsystems.com Reston VA


law@oktane.net NYC


Caring.com @chriseppstein


CafePress.com ncook@cafepress.com San Mateo


maurice.faeh@awd.ch Swizterland


Symantec david.young@symantec.com Alexander, VA


Intergrum AZ


Afar justin@afar.com SF


Optimus Dev Santa Monica


@boblail St Louis


FanSnap fansnap.com/jobs andrew@fansnap.com CA


Bloomberg nmounasamy@bloomberg.net


Get Satisfaction SF




foodandwine.com NYC


Optoro DC


Pivotal Labs SF NYC




Efficency 2.0 bryan@efficency20.com NYC


Patients Like Me Boston

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